Seeds of Light (81-90)
Autor: Marin Mihalache  |  Album: SEEDS OF LIGHT  |  Tematica: Meditatii
Resursa adaugata de marin2016 in 19/09/2020
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Seeds of Light (81-90) September 19,2020

81. In search of that gladsome light of the divine glory, many of us relying only on lamps of loam will be lost in darkness while trying to pass through the wilderness of solitude to the promise land. We need to have both the light coming from within, but also the light shining upon us from above to see the true Way.

82. The heavenly choirs of enlightened angels can break the glass of the night. If we cannot not hear their glorious voices is perhaps because there is too much noise within us and outside us.

83. What a paradox is for us that the reward of God’s grace does not come as a ransom of a worldly struggle but like a divine gift and numinous visitation of those souls which thus attain that peace which passes all understanding and makes the silence to speak.

84. The marvel of the spiritual growing in our journey to the kingdom of God is coming from the ineffable experience through which in this pilgrimage we are always at the beginning and never arrive at the end; that we are always growing from glory to glory by the grace of God.

85. The difference between Christianity and the secular religions comes from the fact that Christianity does not exhort us to forsake this world for paradises made by human hands, even if they may look like heavens.

86. When a ray of invisible light touches our lives, we can glide into the dimensions of another reality. However, not all shining lights are coming from the Light of the divine glory; not all shining paths lead to the Way.

87. The light of that candle of faith could be our guide through the night, which precedes every morning. But to see the true light of the Lamb is not up to us. We cannot go there by ourselves. Because we are born spiritually blind, our eyes need the divine light, the guiding hints of the Holy Spirit.

88. It is a conceit to be moralizers only for our neighbors and not for ourselves. Good and bad, saints and wicked ones, all for a while will have to live together in this world. But we cannot afford to be indifferent to sin. The sin is like a virus; it can infect anyone and soon a pandemic will overcome the world. Then, we all have to clean our hands, to keep the social distance, to isolate.

89. A perfect spiritual life is almost impossible for us; as human beings we all are born in sin. But since there is always the possibility to be and to do better, this means that the possibility has limits which can be overcome according to the measure of our love and will and by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

90. Our homesick for God’s kingdom could be a proof that inside our consciousness subsists that hope, earning and conviction, so what is eternal in our mind will never be forgotten. It is written by God in the Book of Life.

„The light of that candle of faith could be our guide through the night, which precedes every morning. But to see the true light of the Lamb is not up to us.” Superb!
A perfect spiritual life is almost impossible for us; as human beings we all are born in sin.”Și totuși, trebuie să ne rugăm neîncetat! Asta nu e aproape de perfecțiune? O viață spirituală poate fi în Cristos și prin Cristos și pentru El, sfântă. Dar trăirea noastră exterioară va fi, însă, imperfectă.
Adăugat în 28/12/2020 de loredanam
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